There are many SEO companies that promise to tell you whether or not your website is going to rank for a given keyword. They will also tell you what keywords to add to your website. After a brief consultation, they will then go out and do an audit of your website to determine how to add more keywords. They will then come back and tell you when your website is going to rank for a given keyword.

You’ve spent countless hours and dollars on your website, investing in SEO, search engine optimization, and social media marketing, only to have a few mice-click web visitors turn into a few hundred every month. Why? Because you’re not doing it right. SEOs, marketers, and content writers alike are telling you that you need to be on Google an hour a day, and perform a handful of social media tasks to get any results. Wrong!

Search engine optimization is a key aspect of building a large and influential website, but the results most people see are not always what you intended. In fact, the opposite is often true, as the tricks and techniques you have been taught are often ineffective or even harmful. You may be inside the bubble, but there is a whole world out there full of people trying to help you reach your goals, so why not have them help?. Read more about 10 reasons why seo doesn t work and let us know what you think.

So you’re wondering why SEO isn’t working for you and your website, right?

Haven’t you heard? ! SEO is dead!

Death to all bad jokes on this subject.

Of course, SEO isn’t really dead, but there are several reasons why SEO might not work for you and your website.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

We’ve compiled the top 14 reasons why SEO might not work for your website.

Let’s go through them and see if anything reminds us of ourselves.

  1. You’re not sticking to the basics.
  2. You do not understand what SEO is
  3. SEO is just not right for your business/idea.
  4. Your expectations are too high
  5. You’re not patient enough
  6. Your budget is too low
  7. They don’t target mobile devices
  8. You do not analyse and underestimate your competitors
  9. You missed the keyword search
  10. You’ve got the wrong priorities.
  11. You ignore structure, click depth and internal links
  12. You ignore backlinks
  13. You don’t understand your audience
  14. You have contacted the wrong SEO agency
  15. You’re not tracking your results

1. They do not respect the fundamental principles

When people say that SEO is magical, they actually mean that it is very complicated.

I would need several long articles to fully explain how this works.

Yes, it’s about user experience, link profile, content strategy, referral traffic or marketing campaigns. And all those SEO efforts can seem very complicated.

However, in some ways SEO is easier than you think.

In short, it’s the many criteria that make a page the best result for a given search term, in the sense that it meets the user’s intentions.

You need to understand that Google is not trying to rank websites based on some sort of checklist.

Sure, it follows a list of criteria, but it also looks at historical data in the SERPs, and since Rank Brain started interfering with the process, machine learning has really made things much more complicated.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

It’s hard for us humans to follow Google’s decisions on what makes a website the best. At this point… I’m not sure the manufacturers themselves have any idea how things work.

So instead of focusing on the latest trends and techniques, try to focus more on the basics. Do them well and consistently.

Sure, SEO and digital marketing experts like Neil Patel and Brian Dean are constantly trying new techniques and tweaks, but one thing is for sure: You haven’t stopped writing!

Being consistent is hard, but it’s the key to success!

2. You don’t understand what SEO is

So we know that Google is trying to rank the best page.

But what does that really mean?

Does this mean the page with the most targeted keywords? The site with the best links? A site with better content?
Who wins Google’s first organic results?

This is the page that best responds to the user’s intentions. And in some cases, the website alone may not do it!

Let’s say you want to rank high in the search engines for a very competitive e-commerce keyword. Well, uh… If your offer isn’t good enough, you probably won’t get it.

If you want to rank for a shoe search, but only have three products in your store, you won’t get very far.

If you want to rank cheaply for search, but your prices aren’t cheap, again, you probably won’t have much success even if you optimize your site for it.

Moreover, many people do not realize that a high position in the search results also reflects the quality of the company, at least to some extent.

For example, bad reviews on Google My Business can affect your local SEO ranking and your business listing, and people don’t leave bad reviews because your SEO campaign is bad.

Sure, you can invest in search engine marketing, pump up your website with links and take it to the top, but if the company itself doesn’t have the infrastructure to properly satisfy customers (quality, delivery, support), the results won’t last long!

I’ve seen sites full of bad links rise to the top, only to go down inglorious after a while because they didn’t meet users’ expectations.

3. SEO is just not suitable for your company/idea

Another thing that you need to consider is that the type of company that you SEO is customized.

If you want to promote a short term trendy product like a Fidget Spinner, investing a lot of money in long term SEO is usually not the right choice!

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

And if you need to finish quickly and are just getting started, ….. SEO may not be the right channel for you, and you should consider PPC advertising or remarketing on social media instead.

However, it’s not always about SEO or advertising. They usually go well together.

4. Your expectations are too high

The higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

To be satisfied with your results, you must have realistic goals.

When it comes to SEO, you can’t expect high rankings and traffic in a month or two if your domain has just been registered.

You can’t expect to beat a strong competitor’s online presence with thousands of links, a limited budget and no scaling, even if you use good SEO tactics.

In some cases, your competitors are far from you. This is the time when you need to dig deeper to find the keywords that are easier to find.

You need to start SEO as soon as possible, but you need to start small. Look for keywords with little competition and work your way up before you tell yourself that SEO is not for you.

5. You don’t have enough patience

Sometimes you just have to be a little more patient.

Most SEO experts will tell you upfront that it can take 6-12 months to reach the top positions.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

Some claim they can get you to the top spot in the first month. It is most likely a lie and you should stay away from them.

In the first month, you should still see progress.

If it’s a new website, it’s possible that only the first few pages will be indexed.

So if you haven’t reached the position you want yet, but you have risen in the rankings from the previous month, give yourself a little more time. You’re on the right track.

If you want to know why ranking with Google and other search engines takes so long and what you can do to speed up the process, read this article.

6. Your budget is too low

In fact, I… You may have high expectations. But with the right budget.

If your budget is too low, you won’t be able to do everything you want to do, and you could end up saying that SEO isn’t working for you.

SEO includes things like: a good server, solving technical SEO problems, keyword research, content marketing, social media, investing in links, etc.

If you want to grow it quickly and efficiently, you need to make a significant investment.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

Clients often ask me: Why does SEO take so long?

Of course, part of the answer is here: Because Google.

But I’m still sure I can speed up the process by making it bigger.

But why does scaling up speed up the process, you ask?

Well, uh… It’s pretty simple:

  • More content = more keywords reached faster
  • More links = more authority
  • More monitoring = better / faster configuration
  • More programmers = faster website, more useful features, better UX, etc.

But all this = more money.

Do you develop content for 5 categories per month? Take it to 10. Do you strengthen the structure of your site with 2 blog posts a month? Go to the blog posts. Do you offer 1 or 2 links per month? Do five and so on.

Many people do SEO because they can use time instead of money to drive traffic to their websites and businesses.

However, time cannot change the situation. Only money can do that. There’s no reason not to. There’s no reason not to, there’s no reason not to.

7. They are not oriented towards mobile communications

I know, you’ve heard that mobile SEO is very important and that a lot of traffic now comes from mobile devices.

In fact, most professionals work from a desktop computer. So the first contact with a topic, whether it’s web development or SEO, usually takes place on the desktop.

I often quickly fix a problem on a desktop computer and completely forget to check how it looks on mobile devices.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

And even though I (as a user) browse websites on mobile, if a customer asks me something or reports a problem, I immediately check it on my computer (my phone is busy in my ear anyway).

When it comes to SEO, you should always remember that Google uses mobile-first indexing.

If, like me, you work primarily on a desktop computer, remember to always right-click and click Review in Chrome.

You can select more than one type of device to avoid problems.

But sometimes phones behave differently than the Chrome browser on a desktop computer (even if mobile browsing mode is enabled), so it’s always best to check on a physical phone.

And don’t forget to check it out on Android and iOS.

Check that the links work, check that the scrolling works, check the whole ordering process, check, check, check.

Ask your friends for a test, ask your mother for a test, ask your cat for a test. If the cat can use it, it’s good.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

Also keep in mind that hidden CSS content also follows a mobile-first mentality.

You can combine columns on your desktop into scroll bars or summarize long paragraphs of text into drop-down lists.

For example, on an e-commerce site, you can put a small description for your products on the category page.

If the text on mobile devices pushes the products down too far, the user won’t be able to see them quickly when the page loads.

You can shorten the mobile description with the Read More link, which brings up a drop-down list with the rest of the content.

8. You do not analyse or underestimate your competitors

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but do not know the enemy, you will suffer defeat for every victory you achieve. If you do not know your enemy or yourself, you will fail in every battle. – Sun Tzu

That’s deep, isn’t it?

Google Analytics and Search Console are good friends, but they only show data about your own website.

Sometimes it’s not enough to do your own research. You need to analyze your competitors! If you don’t, you could be saying that SEO isn’t working for your website.

That’s why it’s good to have an SEO toolkit like CognitiveSEO. You can analyze and follow your competitors to see how they behave and find their weaknesses.

So, if you want to improve your SEO campaigns, you should definitely do an SEO analysis of your competitors.

New clients often come to me because they are not satisfied with the results they were getting from their previous SEO partners.

In many cases, after a quick analysis, I see that the title tags and meta description are not optimized at all!

This lets me know that no keyword research has been done.

I’ve seen a lot of SEO packages that consist mainly of PBNs or different link building tactics. 5 links a month… 10 links per month… And so on.

It bothers me, and I disagree, but I think it’s about the money…..

They are easy to sell and often yield quick results. But those results may not last long, and I can bet who is covered by the contract you signed (spoiler alert, it’s not you).

While these links can be useful in some situations, without the right keywords in the right places, they probably won’t get you anywhere.

Make sure you do your keyword research!

10. You do not give the right priority to

It’s not necessarily that you’re doing SEO wrong. Maybe you’re just doing the wrong kind of SEO or at the wrong time.

Why put so much effort into getting a 100% PageSpeed result when the load time is already 1-3 seconds?

Why write more content for your blog if you haven’t finished optimizing your category pages?

  • If you have a small website and no SEO steps have been taken yet, start with keyword research and header tag optimization.
  • If you have a website with a lot of images, you should start with image compression.
  • If your site is large and contains many filters, you should emphasize ease of exploration and indexability by optimizing faceted navigation.

Sometimes it can be a design issue (if your website is too old-fashioned for your audience). In other cases, it may be UX.

This varies from place to place.

Therefore, an SEO audit is crucial to the success of your website, especially if it is very large.

But not all SEO audits are suitable. You need an SEO audit that will look at all your problems and then prioritize them appropriately.

The structure of your website determines how easily users and search engines can navigate and understand your content.

Make sure you structure your site accordingly.

Important pages should never be more than three clicks away from your home page.

If you use pagination, make sure all your pages are linked from the first page of the archive/category.

And if you haven’t already doubled the number of internal links, you should.

Use your blog to build permanent links to important pages, such as product category pages, using relevant, keyword-rich anchor text.

There is no penalty for using too many internal links. Well, uh… Just don’t do everything with internal links and everything will be fine.

I’ve been lucky enough to be able to help most of my clients get good rankings with very few or no links.

But from time to time, there are projects that even the best SEO experts can’t handle without actively looking for backlinks.

I like to think I can do everything without references, but I also want to be as efficient as possible.

Getting backlinks is not a bad thing. They’re just being mistreated.

In some cases, your website just needs more authority. And the fastest way to generate them is to create quality backlinks.

If your competitors have far more links than you do, it will be difficult for you to get a higher position.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

Sometimes it takes longer for you to see results, assuming you do everything else right.

In other cases, it’s just not possible.

Links can help you gain a customer’s trust and close a long-term deal.

The best thing you can do is build relationships through content marketing and shareable content, such as. case studies or interviews with industry experts.

Don’t just make links. Try to get involved and build a small community. That’s what Google likes.

But sometimes… you can just buy left field.

Of course, you don’t want to buy spammy links that could cause your site to be downgraded.

But you have to understand that links are advertising, and advertising is paid for. The internet works on the basis of advertising, so embrace it.

You can always disable paid links (as recommended by Google).

Nofollow links can also improve rankings, and I’ve seen this first hand with my clients.

13. You do not understand your audience

Audience is much more important to SEO than you think. It can make or break your SEO strategy. You could say that: No, SEO doesn’t work for me, when in fact the problem is how to reach your audience.

Your content marketing strategy can be driven by the best interests and the most information. But if you don’t offer them in the right format or tone, you won’t get the best results.

Your audience may prefer video content. So stop spending so much time writing articles. Instead, you can simply use your video scripts as reusable content on your blog.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

Make sure you understand your target audience and base your decisions on that.

14. You have contacted the wrong SEO agency

I hate to say it, but finding a good SEO company or digital marketing agency is no easy task.

Plus… in the age of the 2023-2023 pandemic, people have rebranded themselves as digital marketing experts. There are many things to say… They’re not really experts.

So be very selective about who you work with. Here are some additional things to consider when hiring an SEO company.

On the other hand, if you are an SEO company, here is how you can convince your clients to buy your SEO services.

15. You do not keep track of your results

Getting the right results is a very complex task. Sometimes it’s not that the SEO isn’t working, it’s the tracking that isn’t working.

Because tracking isn’t just about optimizing traffic and conversion rates.

It’s about opening up new opportunities to do things better.

But whether it’s a drop in traffic or conversion rate, the sooner you notice it, the sooner you can correct it.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

There are many techniques, such as. B. Using Google Search Console to identify secondary keywords for articles that are already ranked fairly high.

Go to the Performance section, select a page that is already well ranked, then go back to the Search section. Activate positions and CTR and look for phrases that have a good click-through rate.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

You can then start inserting that keyword into your content to get a higher ranking in search engines. If you want even better results, try CognitiveSEO’s content optimization tool.

You can also use the secondary metrics (Behavior > Landing Page) in Google Analytics’ organic traffic stream to find out which pages converted the best. You can then combine this with search query data from Google Search Console to see (roughly) which set of keywords generates the most conversions.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your Website

Tools like Google Analytics have many filters that can help you know exactly what happened on your website, so use them to get better SEO results.

We hope this list of 15 reasons why your SEO isn’t working will help you understand what you’ve been doing wrong, or at least make you take a fresh look at your SEO campaigns.

Advanced SEO strategies and tactics are great, but you have to stick to the basics.

Can you think of any other reasons why someone’s SEO strategy might not work? Share them with us in the comments section below.

Why SEO Does Not Work for You & Your WebsiteThis is not a SEO post. Although, I am also an SEO, I’m not here to tell you what to do. I’m here to teach you what can happen when you do SEO. This entry is not about how to rank higher in Google, but about what can happen when you do SEO. I should say that this entry is not really about SEO at all. I am not here to tell you what to do. I’m here to teach you what can happen when you do SEO.. Read more about how to fix seo issues and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would your SEO not be working?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a popular tool for increasing web traffic and marketability. But is it actually doing what you think, and if not, what can you do to maximize your return on investment? In this blog post, we’ll examine the inner workings of how search engines work. We’ll also review why SEO may fall short for some people and what you can do to improve your return on investment. Most people think that SEO is a magic wand that can turn their site into a top organic ranker. The sad truth is that there are many things that influence organic traffic. In this post, we will look at what the majority of SEO experts will tell you when they are confronted with a new site and its lack of rankings.

Why is SEO not important?

Most of us agree that search engine optimization (SEO) is important. But what exactly is SEO and how does it work? SEO is the process of getting your website to the first page of Google and other search engines. If you’re not doing SEO, your website is not going to be top of mind, and when people land on your page, they are not going to get the information they are looking for. SEO does not produce the results you are looking for. It’s not a magic pill that will make your website the number one destination for your competition. SEO is just another marketing channel, and it’s working for you (or a competitor) simply because a big majority of the population is still unaware of the importance of SEO.

Is SEO really necessary?

Since the invention of Internet, companies have been trying to find a way to get their products on the first page of Google. Since Google is the search engine of choice for millions of people, this is the best place to get your products seen. And since the market is getting saturated by companies that are trying to get on the first page, it is important to get there first. So, should you use SEO to get your business on the first page? SEO, or search engine optimization, is not something that will get your website to the top of search results. Instead, SEO is a system by which you can make sure that your website is the best website for a search engine, so that you are at the top of results for a relevant term.

Feedback,10 reasons why seo doesn t workwhy would your seo not be workingwhat is seoimportance of seoproblems with seohow to fix seo issues,People also search for,Privacy settings,How Search works,Search Engine Journal,Search Engine Land,Google Search Console,SEMrush,Yoast,See more,10 reasons why seo doesn t work,what is seo,importance of seo,problems with seo,how to fix seo issues,why is my seo not working,google analytics,how to fix your seo

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