In case you’ve been living under a rock, FAQ Rich is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create a FAQ section in your WordPress site. However, it is limited to two FAQ entries per page, and it is not possible to create more than four FAQs within the whole website.

Helping small business owners generate more revenue and increase leads is what we do here at supergoodcontent. Our team of expert marketing minds are ready to help you answer any of your questions in the shortest time possible. Our team of experts have proven to have the best results ever, gaining 2,000 to 4,000 views to any query.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a fan of the movie “What about Bob?” In this film, the main character is a small boy who is obsessed with Bob. His parents, wanting to help Bob by helping him grow up, take him to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist says that Bob is suffering from a brittle schizophrenia, and that the only way to cure Bob is to take away his obsession with Bob. As they take Bob to his room, the boy begins to cry, saying that he wants to stay with Bob forever.

Google’s Danny Sullivan has confirmed that search results with structured FAQ data will now be limited to two results. Danny also confirmed that it was not about stopping SEOs from exploiting structured, data-rich results, and explained the reasons for this decision.

FAQ Rich results on search engine results pages (SERPs)

Structured FAQ data is a way to earn the right to display FAQ content in the Google SERPs. The advantage of this type of ad is that the page can be better ranked in the search results. This type of enriched results was introduced by Google on the 8th. May 2019 announced. The FAQ page contains a list of frequently asked questions and answers about a specific topic. For example, an FAQ page on an e-commerce site can answer questions about shipping instructions, purchase options, return policies, and refund procedures. With the structured data in FAQPage, you can design your content so that these questions and answers appear directly in Google Search and Assistant, allowing users to quickly find answers to frequently asked questions. View More information below Another reason why displaying structured FAQ data was desirable was that it pushed one or two competitors from the first page of search results to the second page.

SEO Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Structured data Rich results

The initial introduction was both praised and criticized, depending on whether the SEO benefited from the FAQ in the SERPs or a competitor. Google showed up to ten FAQs at a time, which could lead to a situation where two or three web pages could dominate the entire first page of search results. One SEO (@brodieseo) posted a screenshot on Twitter showing how FAQs dominate search results: Hello, friends. I’m pretty sure the max is 10 for Andy’s FAQ, then there’s a link at the end to see more. So there could be 100 FAQs on the first page of Google? I hope I never encounter this result – Brody Clark (@brodieseo) September 17, 2019 Lily Ray (@lilyraynyc) posted a screenshot of the results showing the many questions and answers dominating the SERPs. Here’s a screenshot of the highlights I added to show how much space these expanded results take up: View More information below

Screenshot FAQ Rich Results in 2019.

FAQ Rich Results Limited to Two Per Web Page She then shared her mixed feelings about the new FAQ-rich results on Twitter: I’m a little uncomfortable complaining that organic results take up too much space.

August 2023: Google limits FAQs to rich results

About a year later, in the summer of 2023, search marketers noticed fewer results with structured FAQ data appearing in the SERPs. Google’s John Mueller answered a question about the apparent disappearance of results with a frequently asked question. Mueller said: As for FAQ tagging in general, I’ve seen people talking online about how we show them less in search results. And I think it’s a natural progression as we try to find the right balance between referring to everything and referring to sites where it makes more sense. …So we need to refine the choice of queries and pages for which we will display rich results like the FAQ.

May 2023: FAQ Rich results are still missing

At another meeting at Google’s offices in May 2023, someone else asked Mueller about the Rich Results FAQ. The questioner wanted to know if structured data produces richer results by asking: Does it work? John Mueller replied that Google always displays saturated FAQ results and there is the usual process of updating various features and results to ensure that saturated results are useful. View More information below Mueller said: What tends to happen with some of these types of structured data or rich results is that over time we try to adjust the frequency with which they appear to make sure we’re not overloading the search results with all this data….. Bells, whistles and extra features that end up being confusing. Google announces limited number of FAQ-rich results What has changed is that Google’s Danny Sullivan announced on Twitter that Google is limiting the number of frequently asked questions to two per web page, instead of the previous limit of ten per web page. Someone asked if this was a response to SEOs playing with Google: Finally, Google has decided that SEOs have been abusing the FAQ game. So, uh… Let’s see whose side the favor is on….. Right now, in the travel industry, I think the traditional travel agents should get their share of the pie (the ones who have really pushed the FAQ needle too far). – Gianluca Fiorelli (@gfiorelli1) June 18, 2023 Danny Sullivan replied that no, this is not a response to someone playing with the results of the FAQ.

Danny tweeted:

I’ve seen a few people claim we did this because of the SEO game. That’s not the case. The SEO experts couldn’t play with the amount we were showing. That’s what our automated systems have done. We’re constantly reviewing things and decided that it made more sense for us to work as a couple. – Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) 18. June 2023 View More information below

Danny explained his explanation

It is displayed because our systems have determined that it may be useful to display it. Therefore, like any other structured data, they are not always displayed. It’s not always helpful. More information can be found here: – Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) 18. June 2023 It seemed as if the rich results of the FAQ had disappeared or been supplanted. This new way of displaying results rich in questions and answers seems fairer than the original method, which resulted in more websites being pushed off the first page of search results. Limiting websites to only two FAQs in search results seems like a fair way to implement this feature and still be useful to users. However, do not expect this implementation to be permanent, as everything related to research is constantly evolving.


2019 Google What’s New in Structured Data: Questions and Answers 2019 Google Google Assistant search and frequently asked questions. SEJ September 2019 Does structured data in FAQs dominate Google search? SEJ August 2023 Why Google could show less saturated results of frequently asked questions View More information below SEJ May 2023 Google on what happens to the results included in the frequently asked questions.It’s easy to look for the loopholes that give you the best results, but sometimes the best results are the ones that you’re getting with the least amount of effort. If you run a blog, I’m sure you’ve seen the beautiful FAQ pages that are able to have over 100 FAQs per page. You are probably wondering how they do this. Well, it’s actually quite simple.. Read more about google my business and let us know what you think.

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