According to Google’s recent Week in Review, a little-known website called “supergoodcontent” got half a million visitors, more than double the previous quarter. How did they do it? By providing valuable information to readers and by being a leader in Google News.

It’s important for websites to get listed in Google News, especially if you want to be found by Google’s search engine and its users. Because the page can’t be indexed without the submission, it’s imperative to make the process as easy as possible. Here are five actionable tips to help you get your website listed in Google News.

You can get thousands of clicks to your website through Google News.

And you don’t even have to be a journalist.

Smart bloggers, news publishers and digital content marketers are already leveraging this vast resource to generate targeted traffic and improve search engine visibility.

Google News is for websites and blogs that publish relevant and timely articles. You don’t have to be a news site, but if you regularly post newsworthy content, you may be accepted.

Danny Sullivan once said: If you’re not a news site, Google News and its indexing robots probably won’t do you any favors.

However, this is not a guarantee.

What is news?

A major search engine like Google defines news as current or newsworthy information, especially about current or important events.

If you are a leader in your industry and bring current information that is of interest to your audience, you are a news publisher.

Google News is a content syndication platform that Google created to organize news from around the world in different ways and make it more accessible to its users, similar to News XML.

Google News sends 6 billion clicks per month to publishers around the world. Even if you only get 0.0001% of these clicks to your site, that’s a lot. Do the math.

However, indexing your site as a news publisher with the Google News sitemap crawler and indexing and ranking your articles in Google News is challenging in many ways.

Let’s look at the best ways to add an XML sitemap to Google News, as well as ways to get real-time traffic.

Following the principles of good journalism

If you look at the recent additions to the Google News syndication platform, you’ll notice that for the first time Google has stopped focusing 100% on content like news-related events. This can be easily determined by looking at the meta tags.

Over the years, it has become a map for news sites and has leveled the playing field for bloggers, content creators and news publishing experts. This evolution may not be apparent from the addictive titles, but the content betrays this expansion.

However, the major search engine has not jettisoned the principles of good journalism. Google is always interested in the style and content of articles, especially in the context of XML. Good journalism is about being fair and as objective as possible.

Why do you think Google crawls the XML sitemap, indexes third-party content like CNN, BBC, Techcrunch, Wall Street Journal, etc. and publishes it in search results?

One reason is that these sites are true news publishers who adhere to strict journalistic standards. They are transparent and adhere to uniform professional standards. You only have to look at their search history to see that they take their posts seriously.

To be included in News XML, your articles need to be original, honest and well-structured, with good quality anchor text, meta tags and an authoritative voice.

Standard journalism is investigative work, not just search engine optimization. Therefore, you should be able and willing to research the story and verify its authenticity before posting about it.

To ensure your story will appeal to editors, who will in turn pass it on to Google News, PBS recommends presenting information from the most important points to the least important points in the content.

There is a set procedure for submitting your content for inclusion in the Google News XML Sitemap. But before you apply, consider these guidelines:

1. Do not copy from other sites. Write original news stories.

First and foremost, you need to make sure your stories are original.

A major search engine like Google won’t want to syndicate the same content word for word, and its search algorithm will bring you to the top. You need to make your story original and use accurate data from credible sources. Whatever the source of your information, whether it’s search history, sitemap files, or web page reviews, make sure your sources are reliable.

Take a look at the Google News homepage. All stories presented are original content with credible sources. And no site scores more than once for its articles.

Google is a trusted company, a major search engine trusted by millions of people around the world. Imagine if Google reported a false story, that would be a disaster for the metasearch engine!

What do you think will happen to his credibility?

Talk about credibility: Google is also concerned about Author Rank.

There is no better way to become an authoritative writer than to write for other news and magazine sites. If you’ve never written for a reputable news site like Forbes, Inc. or Business Insider, you should start there.

Google knows that serious writers and columnists do not copy information from other sources, so they are included in XML sitemaps.

Instead, they do their best to keep the original story. Renowned authors who publish original articles over a period of time receive credibility credits that help boost their ranking and reputation, regardless of the online publication they write for.

One way to quickly add your article to Google News is to use a co-author with a high author rating.

According to Google and when searching for inclusions in a sitemap XML news file, such an author brings a higher level of authority to your site, and the resulting article is more likely to be original and credible.

To start writing short stories, you need original stories. The following instructions provide additional information:

The origin of the stories: How journalists find and make news in the age of social media, competition and whispers.

2. Write keyword-rich headlines that convey the topic of the article.

Your title makes a promise to the reader. If you do it right, your article will likely be picked up by Google and other journalists who can increase the reach of the content.

According to Poynter, you should try to keep your headlines simple and uncluttered. Use concise and familiar words as much as possible.

You may be tempted to use numbers in your headlines. After all, users love numbers. But if you use a listicle title, it should contain specific conclusions and not allow for link baiting. Link bait and poor quality anchor text will do nothing to get you into Google’s XML sitemap information file.

I’ve noticed that serious websites that publish daily articles rarely use the article format or numbered headings.

All you have to do is write a precise, clear and convincing title. Let’s take the example of Search Engine Land.

As with blog posts, the title of your news article determines whether or not your article will be syndicated by Google.

Here are some tips to help you write news headlines that are sure to appear in search results. Remember that the same approach can be applied to :

i). Don’t repeat the words: The purpose of adding your website or article to the Google News XML sitemap is to get clicks and views from a large user base. There is no need to repeat words or keywords in your title as if you are actively doing SEO.

Here’s a weak title:

How experienced investors can become mentors to investors about to exit the stock market

Avoid repeating these words like the plague.

(ii). Use the active voice: A news headline is a quick way to show what it’s about and get search engine attention.

Don’t irritate users or discourage journalists from picking up your story. Avoid using the passive voice.

In the passive voice, the subject takes over from the verb. For example:

  • The passive voice: Mary was hit by a car.
  • Active voice: A car hit Mary.

The active voice starts with the subject. An active voice allows you to say more with fewer words the first time. Brevity is a newspaper publisher’s most important tactic for engaging an audience.

Using the active voice in a news headline also helps to reduce unnecessary words. If you look at Digg’s homepage, you’ll see that most syndicated articles have titles written in the active.

Here’s an example:

The passive version of the above news headline is much weaker:

  • Top Chef was filmed with the help of the CIA…

(iii). Write in the present tense: This is another important point to keep in mind when writing an article title in hopes that it will be syndicated in the Google News XML Sitemap file.

Even if the story or content itself is written in the past tense, the title should refer to what is happening right now. After all, that’s why they’re called news, and that’s what the XML sitemap looks for.

Many of the articles on the front page of Google News are written in the present tense. Take a look:

(iv). Know which words to write with capital letters: Have you noticed that not all words in the title of an article are capitalized? As a general rule, the first word of the title should be capitalized. You should also write your own names in capital letters.

The Google News homepage uses capitalization standards for both capital letters and the first word or name.

If you use capital letters, do not capitalize the parts. For example: Judge rejects Kesha’s latest attempt to break free from Dr. Luke is correct, but if to were capitalized, it would be wrong.

When adding sites to Google News, keep in mind that a major search engine like Google can only include sites that meet Webmaster Tools guidelines.

If your topic or story is not current, it is not news. It’s that simple. In journalism, time is everything. Contemporary content comes first, while other content gets lost in the search history pages.

In order for your site to be accepted, you must constantly write articles that are related to current events. Permanent content is not suitable for Google News.

Moreover, Google’s main search engine also accepts certain types of content. According to Google:

We generally do not include how-to articles, advice sections, job offers or purely informational content such as weather forecasts and trade show data.

In the blogging world, creating scalable content is a guarantee of sustainable organic traffic. And Google rewards this kind of content in its organic results.

But this kind of content is not new, and a search engine like Google will not syndicate it.

If you look at the Google News homepage, you will see that articles appear in a timely manner, usually as events unfold:

4. Write at least 2 news items per day.

Are you the only one who manages your website? If you want to be added to Google News, you may need to make some changes.

Most Google News syndicated news sites are multi-author sites. In other words, more than one person writes for the site.

Think CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, New York Times, Huffington Post, etc.

These sites are updated every minute of the day, have prolific writers who are transparent and accurate in their articles, and that is why they are so popular with search engines.

They need more writers who can find new stories, write about them, and submit them within a few hours.

You will find that you need to train good writers. You can start by hiring freelance writers and then train them in the journalistic approach that Google News and other media platforms and search engines require for each story.

You should also teach your writers to follow your brand guidelines, especially if they are writing for you for the first time. Let them know what elements should be present in a news story – headline, appropriate tone, source citations and citation rules.

Ideally, create an author page on your website where you introduce each author to your team.

Google will ask you for a list of authors who write articles on your site. In fact, you must provide contact information for each author when you submit an application.

5. Build authority with your blog.

For obvious reasons, Google is strict about what content it considers news. Not all articles are related to current events.

In most cases, it’s not about the story itself, but about the context or angle in which the author has treated it. This is why lame media can be so popular.

Since Google prefers relevant and timely posts, you need to find a way to prove to them that you are following their recommendations.

You need to establish the authority of your blog. Internet authority depends on the number of user-friendly websites and pages that link to your website. With the Webmaster Tool you can check where you stand.

Let’s say your 3 month old blog covers the latest events in time.

Another site (Mashable, for example) has more authority than your blog and an established search history.

Now answer this question:

If your blog covers the same topic as Mashable’s, and both articles meet editorial standards, which one will be crawled, indexed and ranked first by Google, do you think?

Did I hear Mashable?

You’re absolutely right.

The reason is obvious: Mashable has more search engine authority than your blog from three months ago.

Mashable publishes more current content because it has a budget for enough writers. If you have a small business, you can’t get any better.

Building your blog’s authority is not easy. And it certainly won’t happen overnight.

You must leave your location. They must be everywhere.

When you increase your author rating by posting articles on other credible sites, you are always linking to your article naturally. Ideally, you should use a keyword or the title of an article as anchor text to link back to your website.

The more authoritative sites you contribute to and the more links you get, the more authority your blog will have and the higher you will appear in search results and search history. Your blog will grow gradually. Be patient!

Social media is just as important, so spread the love. Be active on social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

Don’t try to copy or imitate another author’s writing style. Find your own voice. Hang in there. This is the only way to get noticed and get your news articles added to Google News.

If your content is unique and engaging, more people will click on your headline, visit your website and take action.

But if your posts are like everyone else’s, you have no leverage. For the public, this is not a problem. That’s why they’ll disappear.


Now that you’re confident your website and news articles can be added to Google News, it’s time to take action and sign up.

Take your time. First, you need to create a path on your blog so that the Google News robot or spider can follow your latest posts as they are published.

Google suggests adding a Google News sitemap to make this task easier. If your blog is hosted on a WordPress CMS, you can find Google News sitemap plugins in the WordPress repository.

Once you have one of these plugins installed, you can sign up for Google News here. This allows you to log into your Google Console account and easily add many of your sites to Google News. Don’t forget to use Webmaster Tool to check your indexing status.

Does your website comply with Google News? So why not use Google News to get real-time traffic?

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get my site listed on Google News?

Google News is a free service that provides news articles from around the world. To get your site listed on Google News, you need to submit a press release to Google.

How do I get my website to show news?

You can use the News module to display news on your website.

How do I succeed in Google News?

The best way to succeed in Google News is to provide high-quality, relevant content.

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