Chatbots are becoming more and more popular. Not long ago, they were used only for customer support and automated tasks. Now, the use of chatbots has evolved to include advertising as well.

Chatbots are a relatively new phenomenon in marketing, but they have a number of advantages over traditional forms of advertising. They can be used to engage with consumers without the need for them to leave their desk, and they can be customized to fit your specific brand.

The use of chatbots is now a growing trend within the marketing world, and with the recent surge in popularity of chatbots, brands are finding them more useful than ever. The use of chatbots has helped enhance customer engagement. The fact that chatbots are a part of the core offering of online platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Google Allo, and many more makes it a viable tactic to be utilized by brands.

Have you ever thought about using the magic of chatbots with artificial intelligence in a large PPC advertising campaign? Combining these two strategies can boost your next digital marketing campaign.

How to Utilize Chatbots in Tandem With a PPC Campaign

To ensure the success of a paid advertising campaign, you must start with the end. Where do you want people to go after they see your ad and show interest? Do you want to sell something or provide information?

You should also think about what they want to know about you and how you can help them find all the information that interests them.

This is where chatbots come in.

What are chatbots?

Chatbots are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) designed to answer customer questions. They can answer basic or general questions, direct people to sites that answer their questions, check orders, etc.

You can also program your robot to refer a customer to a real employee when needed.

Most people think to look for chatbots in the bottom right corner of a company’s website. The button could say something like Contact Now or Support, like on Imperfect Foods’ website:

How to Utilize Chatbots in Tandem With a PPC Campaign

However, you can also install them on Facebook Messenger and some other social networks.

Chatbots can become highly interactive, depending on the platform and scenario. Moreover, you can consult them as often as you like and keep an eye on the prospects if necessary.

Functionality may vary, but however you use bots, they can be a powerful real-time player in your digital marketing strategy, supporting your PPC campaign with interactivity and increasing brand awareness.

5 ways to use chatbots during a PPC campaign

The advantage of adding chatbots to your PPC campaign strategy is the flexibility they offer. Regardless of your business, sales goals, or individual PPC campaign goals, chatbots can become your right hand when you can’t be there for every click.

Here are five things they can do to help your clients and allow you and your team to focus on the big picture.

1. Immediately respond to frequently asked questions from users

We’ve all seen PPC ads, and chances are you’ve clicked on at least one of them because it intrigued you enough to want to know more about the content you were seeing.

Was your curiosity immediately satisfied? Or did you have to look for the promised information in the ad?

Save your potential customers hassle and have a chatbot ready to answer their questions.

When a user clicks on a PPC ad, your chatbot can appear on the page and ask if they have any questions. Through a series of scenarios, you can help potential customers learn more about you and find the products or services they need.

Let’s go back to the example of imperfect food: When you visit the site for the first time, you are simply asked a question.

How to Utilize Chatbots in Tandem With a PPC Campaign

However, if you are a regular user, he will know why you probably clicked on the chat feature: You have forgotten your password.

How to Utilize Chatbots in Tandem With a PPC Campaign

If that doesn’t mean you know what your audience is going to ask, then I don’t know what does.

2. Establishment of communication

People want to connect with the real people behind the brand.

By definition, a chatbot is a robot, not a real person. But even when companies tell consumers they’re talking to a robot, something amazing happens. According to Psychology Today, our brains believe that chatbots are communicating with another person when we communicate with them.

And because they are always there and ready to help, people can feel a real personal connection with them. (Make sure the voice of the robot matches your brand story).

This can increase brand awareness and encourage people to keep that connection by following you on social media or returning to your website when they need your products or services.

It can also contribute to immediate sales. Emotional engagement in your marketing can improve customer retention and conversion.

People like to feel supported. If they come to your website and don’t have to search for answers to their questions and find the right resources, they are more likely to have a better experience.

3. Direct users to relevant landing pages, product pages, or resources

When you set up your PPC campaign, the reality is that you can’t guess what people are buying. If you need to create a landing page or make sure your PPC ads lead users to the right place, sometimes there is a discrepancy between the customer’s intent and the destination.

How do you make sure users don’t come to your site and leave immediately if they don’t see exactly what they want?

A chatbot can present your entire inventory or website content from any page a customer visits.

You can use them to ask users what they are looking for and direct them to the right page or resource.

4. Learn more about your target group

PPC advertising campaigns only tell you who clicks. You can get specific statistics from Analytics, but often these are demographic statistics from which you need to derive motives or needs.

What is your target group looking for? How can you help get them back where they belong?

Why not use a chatbot to ask them the question?

When you create a brand, you can have your chatbot appear with a specific question to start a conversation.

Even if a customer decides not to buy or come back later, you can still gain valuable information about your target market by having a conversation with a chatbot.

As the PPC campaign progresses, patterns can be identified.

For example, HubSpot uses chatbots on its sites to ask users what they want to do next. HubSpot employees can later review these conversations to see what their viewers are looking for.

How to Utilize Chatbots in Tandem With a PPC Campaign

5. Increase brand awareness

If your PPC campaign is introducing your brand to potential customers for the first time, launching a new product or service, or keeping your brand in the spotlight of your target market, integrating chatbots can help increase brand awareness.

From the initial pop-up greeting or introduction message to responses to questions, chatbots can be designed to express a brand’s personality.

It can be as simple as using jargon specific to your brand and the way your customers speak. If your brand is casual, a chat might start with the words Hello! If your voice is more formal, something like How can I help you today. would be more appropriate.

You can also use characters or mascots you use in your branding as the face of the chatbot. People usually understand logically that they are not speaking to a real person and accept it. However, it’s much more fun and personal if they can interact with a character associated with your company, which can enhance their experience with your brand.

Evaluate the success of your PPC chatbot strategy

Before you dive into the metrics and measure whether your PPC campaign is working with a chatbot, you need to define success for yourself. What do you want to achieve with this campaign?

Indicators of success may include:

  • Increase sales of a certain product or service
  • more visitors to your website
  • Increase the number of subscribers on the social media platform
  • additional subscriptions to your newsletter
  • Increased awareness of your brand offering

Once you know what determines the success of a particular campaign, you can look at the right metrics to see what works and what can be improved.

When it comes to PPC campaigns in general, one of the most important metrics you can look at is the number of clicks.

Chatbots, however, have an additional component: Interaction. Conversations between chatbots and users answer questions like:

  • How often do people use your chatbot?
  • How long does the interaction last?
  • What are the things users are looking for?
  • Which conversations become conversions?

The information you get from your chatbots during a PPC campaign can help you :

  • Optimize campaigns according to customer needs
  • Create content that reflects the needs of the customer
  • Update inventory based on what customers are looking for

Here are two examples of how Chatfuel shares its chatbot metrics. Users can explore engagement through these dashboards. Most chatbot platforms have similar dashboards.

How to Utilize Chatbots in Tandem With a PPC Campaign

Chatbots for PPC campaigns Q&A

How do I get people to use my chatbot?

Your chatbot on the landing page of your PPC campaign should be clear and appear shortly after the user clicks on your link. To encourage interaction, you can program the chatbot to greet the user and ask a question.

What is the best platform for chatbots?

The best chatbot platform for PPC campaigns is one that can be easily integrated with the landing page people go to. It depends on your needs, but HubSpot’s Chatbot Builder, ManyChat and Chatfuel are worth checking out.

How much does it cost to create a chatbot?

The price of the chatbot depends on the provider and the features you choose. Many offer free trials or a free basic level, with prices rising after the trial period or when additional options are added.

How do I make my chatbot interesting?

Give your chatbots a personality to match your brand. Make the bot look like a real person, even if you openly say it’s a bot, so the user feels connected to your brand. The robot should introduce itself, ask questions and provide relevant information to the customer during the interaction.

Chatbots Conclusion

Using chatbots in conjunction with PPC campaigns can make your potential customers feel noticed, help them learn more about your brand, and potentially increase conversions through the help they receive.

By installing a chatbot on the landing page of your PPC campaign, you can provide customers with upfront information about your brand’s features, options, benefits, and customization options.

Chatbots that suggest your PPC campaigns to users can also learn more about what your customers want. You can then use this data to build future digital marketing campaigns that meet their needs.

How will you integrate chatbots into your next PPC campaign?

How to Utilize Chatbots in Tandem With a PPC Campaign

  • SEO – Unlocks a large amount of SEO traffic. Pour voir de vrais résultats.
  • Content marketing – our team creates epic content that gets shared, attracting links and traffic.
  • Paid media – effective paid strategies with a clear return on investment.


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