Page speed has been a long-standing topic of discussion around the web. It mostly deals with how fast a mobile device can load a given website. Google has a long-standing opinion that a faster web is better, and so it recently introduced a new algorithm to help webmasters improve their pages. This was dubbed as the “Speed Update” in Google’s June-July Core Algo Updates.

One of the most important factors when considering which web site design company to hire is page speed. Page speed is the amount of time it takes a web page to load. In this blog post, I will share a few of my most recent blog posts for Supergoodcontent’s most popular page, . Hope you enjoy reading.

It’s been 2 years since Google launched the “Prioritized Web” with its “speed first” algorithm. In that time, many web performance “experts” have said that “Page Speed” is the new king, while the majority of technical SEO specialists have stressed that “Page Speed” is only one of many factors of a good web performance. Now that Google is launching a new “page speed algo” with a slew of updates that will be rolling out over the next 2 years, what does this mean for search engine optimization?. Read more about latest google update 2023 and let us know what you think.

When asked whether the core algorithm changes in June and July had anything to do with page performance, Google’s John Mueller said they didn’t. John Mueller gave a summary of the major changes before mentioning how speed may affect things.

In June and July 2023, There Will Be Several Google Updates

In June 2023, the June Core Algorithm Update was released. However, a Page Experience Update as well as a June 2023 Spam Algorithm Update were also published.

Attributing ranking variations to particular website modifications or links during a core algorithm upgrade may be tricky, since some ranking reductions might be completely accidental and have nothing to do with website changes.


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Given the number of algorithm modifications performed that month, any ranking variations in June 2023 will be much more difficult to trace to a single type of website update.

John Mueller, a Google executive, considers the issue.

The individual who asked the question seemed to be looking for confirmation of what many others had noticed: that page speed appeared to be a common characteristic among sites that improved their ranks after the algorithm changes in June and July 2023.


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This is the issue:

“I read on the internet that many have seen an improvement after the June core upgrade.

They’ve also spotted one for the month of July.

It wasn’t the same for us.

What might have caused the July reversal? Is it possible that it has anything to do with speed?”

Updates to the Core Algorithms and Speed Were Kept Separate

John Mueller was the first to point out the distinction between page speed and core algorithm changes.

In response, John Mueller said:

“Speed… As far as I’m aware, they were basically independent and distinct upgrades.

As a result, we refer to them as core updates since they have an impact on the heart of our ranking algorithms.

However, this does not imply that they have an impact on the same fundamental elements of the ranking system.

So, from that perspective, it’s not true that if you see a change…during one of these updates, you’ll notice a change during the other.

So I wouldn’t think they had to be connected from there.”

Could Page Speed Have an Impact on Changes in Rankings in June and July 2023?

Mueller then confirmed that speed may be a factor in certain ranking shifts.

The link between ranking adjustments and page performance was described by John as follows:

“Could it have anything to do with speed?”

Things may be linked to speed since the Page Experience Update, as far as I can tell, began going out in June.

As a result, some modifications may still be visible in July.

However, I don’t believe the core change is connected to the page experience update.

That’s a bit of a different story.”

Updates for the Summer of 2023

Google upgraded Keras-based TF-Ranking in May 2023, a platform for studying and creating new learning to rank (LTR) models and rapidly putting them into production.


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Then, in June and July, there were a slew of spam and algorithm changes. Is there a link between them? Google has no idea.

However, the pace of algorithm releases has accelerated significantly this summer.

It may be difficult to identify particular changes and attribute ranking variations to the core algorithm upgrade since Google made several modifications in June and July 2023.

Google’s John Mueller, on the other hand, stressed that speed is undoubtedly linked.


At the 30:10 minute mark, John Mueller responds to the question:

Google has announced that they will be updating their search engine and ranking algorithm in June of 2023. This has caused quite a stir, with numerous changes that will impact the way the search engines rank our pages. In particular, Google is looking to speed up the “Core Algo” that governs their algorithms, and is planning to make two such updates in July. These updates will impact how Google ranks pages, and how they can manipulate rankings to their advantage.. Read more about google core update 2023 and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the latest algorithm update by Google?

The latest algorithm update by Google is the Hummingbird update.

How often does Google update its algorithm?

Google updates its algorithm every week.

How many times does Google perform algorithm update in a year?

Google performs algorithm updates every year.

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