Google’s core web metrics have been updated recently, and while the changes made should be relatively minor, they will have a significant impact on your SEO. This webinar will explain how the updates impact SEO, and how to adapt your SEO to the changes.

On February 1st, Google announced a number of core updates to its ranking algorithm. These updates include changes to how page speed and mobile-friendliness are considered, changes to how links from questionable sites are treated, and changes to how Google factors in other signals. If you are a website owner, SEO consultant, or just an SEO-based business owner, you should expect a few weeks of “testing” before the algorithm is fully implemented.

Google’s recently unveiled core algorithm update and the new Core Web Vitals will have significant impacts on anyone who has embraced the principles of SEO and participates in Google’s core ranking signals. Attend our webinar to learn about how these recent updates will affect your website and to get up to speed on the latest updates in Google’s core update and core web vitals.

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Confused about Google’s Core Web Vitals update? Not sure what this means for your SEO? Join me for my free webinar on the 29th. June at 8:00. PST for more information. I will discuss the most important statistics, why they are important and what changes you should make to your website.

Register here for a free webinar on basic web vitality.

When Google updates are released, there are usually a few people who think SEO is dead and the sky is falling down.

The good news about the core web metrics update (and the core update) is that the sky is not falling. However, there are a few changes you need to make.

What are Google’s key metrics on the web?

If this is the first time you’ve heard about the big update to the web metrics, here’s a quick recap:

In May 2023, Google announced that user experience would be part of its ranking criteria. The factors they look at are

  • Suitable for mobile phones: Websites should be optimized for display on mobile devices.
  • Surf safe: The pages must not contain misleading content or malicious software.
  • HTTPS: The page is offered in HTTPS.
  • No intervention : No pop-up windows or other features that block the main content.
  • Key website statistics: Fast load times with interactive elements and visual stability.

The goal, according to Google, is to provide a better user experience, which is essential for the long-term success of websites.

It is likely that you are already doing most of these things. However, the basic performance of a website is a little more complicated than just improving page speed. It also pays attention to things like the largest significant color, the first entry, and the cumulative offset of the layout.

It sounds complicated, but it’s not.

These properties take into account how long it takes for key elements on your page to display, how quickly your page responds to user interactions, and how often layout changes affect the user experience.

Basically, Google wants to reward websites that are user-friendly – this is nothing new. The way Google decides which pages are easier to serve has changed somewhat, so marketers should pay attention.

What to expect from the Google Core Web Metrics and Core Update webinar on the 29th. June will be lived

In this webinar, I explain what you need to know about Google’s most important web statistics and core updates, including:

  • What are the most important web measures and how can you prepare your website for the upcoming changes.
  • Why most users leave your site within seconds and what you can do about it.
  • Methods that SEO agencies will never tell you about, because they prefer to sell their own solutions.
  • Three simple changes you can make to your website can increase your sales by 300% or more.

Register now: Live Webinar on Web Vitals

I’m really interested in talking about this topic and what it means for the future of SEO. I hope you’ll be with me at 8:00. PST. Don’t forget it’s free!

  • SEO – Unlocks a large amount of SEO traffic. To see real results.
  • Content marketing – our team creates epic content that gets shared, attracting links and traffic.
  • Paid media – effective paid strategies with a clear return on investment.

 Dear Google: please stop interfering with our ability to earn money online. You are ruining the Internet for us. And your latest Core update is the last straw. We need to adapt our SEO to this new change, and we need to do it quickly, so we can still make money.. Read more about core web vitals webinar and let us know what you think.

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