Micro-influencers are small brands with a big following, who are perfect for getting your brand noticed in a powerful way. Here’s how you can use them to make your marketing more successful and your business more profitable.

Methods like video marketing and social marketing have become the new way to promote your brand. If you want to grow your business, you need to use micro-influencers. Micro-influencers are the people who share your content to a smaller group of people. Therefore, they act as a bridge between your brand and your potential customers. They are your ideal brand ambassadors.

Getting more customers is almost impossible in today’s competitive world.

Search engine optimization takes months to get much traffic, paid advertising campaigns are very expensive, and the average marketer often struggles to get the job done without hiring an agency.

Recommendations are great, but you can only get so many.

The reality is that most marketing tactics take significant effort and months of planning before you see results.

Most of us can’t wait that long for results.

So what are you going to do?

They use nano- and micro-influencers.

Influencer marketing is one of the best ways to increase sales.

In fact, according to BigCommerce, 17% of companies spend more than half of their marketing budget on influencers.

But most people can’t afford celebrities like Kim Kardashian.

Fortunately, you don’t really want to use such influencers.

You need small niche influencers, called micro-influencers.

Here’s what micro-influencers are and how you can use them to attract customers.


What are micro-influencers and why should you use them?

It’s no secret that influencer marketing is already a booming industry.

The rise of influencers and social media platforms is mind-boggling, to say the least.

In fact, influencer marketing is a tactic I’ve used countless times to build my brands and businesses.

It’s very hard to advertise if you don’t have followers to grow.

That’s why influencers are so useful.

They provide instant promotion of your product or service with amazing conversion rates.

This is one of the best ways to sell a lot.

It is used by all kinds of companies and brands.

So what is a micro-influencer? How is micro-influencer marketing different from regular influencer marketing? Why should you focus on micro-influencers and not regular influencers?

Let’s start with some basic definitions.

Micro-influencers are exactly what they seem.

These are hyper-specific influencers who have fewer followers in a particular niche. They have a very engaged audience, but a relatively small number of subscribers (less than 25,000).

Big celebrities are not micro-influencers.

They have millions of followers.

Accounts with less than 25,000 followers are generally called micro-influencers. They often have a very active audience. Moreover, nano-influencers have thousands of followers.

The data proves that nano- and micro-influencers are successful.

Markerly looked at more than 800,000 Instagram accounts, each with more than 1,000 followers. They analyzed their audience’s level of engagement with regard to major celebrities.

They found that as the number of subscribers increased, the number of likes decreased significantly.

They also found that the number of comments and engaged users decreased as the number of subscribers increased:

This means that the more followers an account has, the fewer likes and comments it receives (relative to the number of followers).

So using influencers who have millions of followers may give you less value.

In addition to this obvious data, they also found that influential Instagram users with between 1,000 and 10,000 followers have a like rate of 4%. In contrast, accounts with more than 10,000 users achieved a Like rate of just 2.4%.

Celebrity accounts with more than 1,000,000 followers received only 1.7 percent of the likes.

Experticity studied large groups of micro-influencers to understand their power.

Here are two of the incredible statistics they discovered:

  1. Micro-influencers had 22.2 times more conversations than regular consumers when they were touting products.
  2. 82% of consumers say they are very likely to follow a recommendation from a micro-influencer.

For example, micro-influencers have more conversations about purchase recommendations than macro-influencers. At the same time, they have more power to make real conversions.

If you think you need millions of subscribers to build your brand, think again.

Nano- and micro-influencers generate more engagement and have better consulting skills.

So it’s time to stop spending money on expensive influencers that don’t generate engagement or traffic.

Here’s how to find micro-influencers and four ways to use them to attract new customers.

How to find micro-influencers for your brand

Before we look at how to use micro-influencers to attract new customers, we need to understand how to find these people.

Finding the right influencer is essential.

It can make or break your campaign.

If you choose the wrong influencer in the wrong niche, you risk spending money on a failed campaign that won’t grow your business.

Fortunately, there are several tools we can use to gather influencers and begin the process of working with them.

My favorite tool is HYPR.

This is an analytical tool that allows you to find data on many different influencers in a particular niche.

It’s also free for over 100 searches.

Most of these tools are very expensive, but HYPR offers free research and detailed reports.

To get started, create a free account.

When you get to the dashboard, it’s time to search:

Here we want to set search filters based on the data we’ve previously viewed.

Reminder: Users with between 1,000 and 10,000 followers receive 4% likes, while accounts with more than 10,000 followers receive only 2.4%.

For micro-influencers, we want to focus on accounts that have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers.

To do this, select the following ranges as the minimum and maximum ranges:

Then enter your niche category in the keyword search bar at the top of the page:

You can select up to five different interests.

Next, you need to refine your target audience based on the typical demographics of your customers:

Remember, micro-influencers work because they represent a specific niche audience with a high level of engagement.

So target as many rejuvenation filters as possible to get the best conversion.

After the search, you can click on any of the suggested influencers to explore their profile and details:

HYPR offers a ton of free influencer data that can help you decide who to use for your next campaign:

Once you have a list of influencers, start approaching them.

These micro-influencers can help you achieve significant growth and get more customers quickly.

So here are four ways to use these micro-influencers to attract more customers.

1. Use campaign-specific hashtags

Campaign-specific hashtags are one of the best ways to increase brand awareness and boost sales.

You make it easy for niche micro-influencers to connect with your brand.

For example, take a look at how the sparkling water brand Lacroix is doing:

They work with many micro-influencers to promote their products and get more customers.

You’ll notice that the influencer in this photo has just over 1,000 followers:

But this particular micro-influencer gets a lot of interaction, which makes the collaboration worthwhile.

Lacroix also runs special campaigns based on hashtags:

You send free promotional products to these influencers and get tons of traffic on Instagram.

If you click on any of these posts from influencers, almost all of them have less than 10,000 followers:

Why do they work?

That’s because they are real and authentic.

These people truly live the Lacroix lifestyle and embody the brand’s image.

They’re real, down-to-earth people.

Accounts with over a million followers may seem like a good way to promote your brand. But ultimately, their engagement is lower than micro-influencers.

Also, they’re probably big celebrities who don’t represent your brand.

Follow in the footsteps of Lacroix and create your own hashtag-based campaign.

You can introduce a hashtag with your company name to attract tons of brand traffic and accelerate customer growth.

2. Use of custom content

One of the best UGC campaigns I’ve seen involved a group of micro-influencers.

In January 2015, the Hawaii Tourism Authority took micro-influencer campaigns to the next level:

They have harnessed the power of micro-influencers in a way that has revolutionized Instagram marketing.

Here’s what Vince Soliven, executive creative director of the campaign, had to say about it:

When you have a social media star who is an ordinary person, it closes the gap for the consumer. If this person has this experience, it’s not made up, it’s not the result of a crazy $5,000 photo shoot. They filmed it with a GoPro. Maybe I can have that experience too.

The Let Hawaii Happen in Hawaii campaign generated 100,000 messages in one year.

Moreover, the campaign reached 54% of all American travelers!

Additionally, 65% of those who had seen the campaign stated that they would travel to Hawaii within one to two years.

To do this, they enlisted the help of local Hawaiian micro-influencers like Lindsay Higa :

They focused on influencers who fit their ideal vision and brand image.

Despite being a bland tourist office, it has managed to achieve incredible popularity and interest in travel.

One of the main reasons for this success is user-generated content.

They didn’t just post pictures on their account.

They have given influencers permission to post photos for them, which is a testament to their authenticity and adds to their credibility.

Plus, 93% of consumers believe that user-generated content influences their purchasing decisions!

Additionally, user-generated content can increase your campaign’s conversion rate by an average of 29%.

Fortunately, it’s not difficult to use user-generated content in your campaigns.

Buffer does it all the time:

User-generated content can be an asset up your sleeve for your next micro-influencer campaign.

Focus on building good relationships with your influencers and use them to position your brand as credible.

3. Create sponsored messages

Sponsored posts are similar to user-generated content, in that you want to get influencers to post content on their own accounts.

Such messages increase engagement and create a more authentic image of the brand.

They also allow your influencers to create videos or in-depth content about your product.

Such advertising strengthens your brand in the eyes of your audience and brings you valuable traffic and interest.

You see it all the time on Instagram:

You can also watch them on YouTube:

Sponsored posts are one of the most common ways to engage a group of influencers, and they’re also perfect for micro-influencer campaigns.

One of the best ways to do this is to contact the influencer you like and offer to send them free products in exchange for honest reviews.

If you already have influencers you partner with, it’s even easier. Depending on your campaign contracts, you can also just ask them to post sponsored content!

It’s no secret that influencers have great potential to increase conversions.

People trust them, and they will trust what they recommend.

Use this to your advantage by asking your influencers to create sponsored posts for your brand.

4. Tell the story of your promotion

Storytelling increases conversion. There is no doubt about that.

A few years ago, when I first started developing my blog, I struggled to attract visitors.

My blog posts have been excellent. I kept posting, but the blog didn’t encourage users to stay.

So I started personalizing it by telling stories in my content that people could identify with.

This is what happened:

In just a few months, my traffic started skyrocketing.

I found a growth I didn’t even know I had!

The same goes for micro-influencer marketing.

Storytelling naturally increases conversion because people start to care about you and your brand.

For example, look at how American Express uses influencers to tell stories:

They combine boring consumer goods with the desires of almost everyone: Travel, explore and be entertained.

An influencer doesn’t just post a sponsored article saying AMEX is the best! Instead, they use the story to explain why AMEX is a good fit for the influencer’s life.

It helps people bridge the gap between a boring product and developing a need for that product in their daily lives!

In the end, they are much more likely to understand why they need it.

To start telling stories, look for influencers on your favorite platform. Look for specific micro-influencers who already have a track record.

For example, do they like to travel?

Are they popular micro-influencers in their niche?

The goal is to find influencers who fit your brand’s story.

For example, let’s say your brand donates a portion of sales to charity. In that case, find someone to travel the world and volunteer and help people in third world countries.

If your brand donates computers to underprivileged children, find an influencer who works with similar groups.

Telling a detailed story through marketing is one of the best ways to increase sales and attract more customers.

I have personally used it on my blog to get more customers and increase my growth rate.

I even use it on social media when sharing personal posts:

It connects people to your brand in a way that sponsored posts and user-generated content cannot.

This is another layer of influencer marketing that gives people inspiration, purpose and a reason to like (and talk about) your product.

Make sure you incorporate storytelling into every micro-influencer campaign you run.

Micro-influences Conclusion

Increasing sales and attracting new customers is hard work.

This is especially true in today’s world where every niche and its subset has competitors.

There are countless companies like mine and yours.

So how do you compete? How do you drive sales in such a difficult environment?

Well, most people turn to SEO or PPC.

However, it takes months for SEO to start delivering good quality traffic, and PPC is a nightmare when you have other things to do.

So what do you do?

They are starting to invest in influencer marketing.

Especially with micro-influencers.

This is a growing niche in influencer marketing that provides a great return on investment.

Start by studying micro-influencers. HYPR is one of the best tools you can use to build a list of micro-influencers.

Remember, influencers with less than 10,000 followers will give you the most value in engagement.

Next, use campaign-specific hashtags. This is one of the best ways to leverage micro-influencers for growth.

Leverage the purchasing power of user-generated content.

Create sponsored posts to spread the word quickly.

Finally, ask your influencers to tell the story in their posts. This is one of the best ways to attract users to your product.

How have you successfully used nano- or micro-influencers in your marketing strategy?

  • SEO – Unlocks a large amount of SEO traffic. To see real results.
  • Content marketing – our team creates epic content that gets shared, attracting links and traffic.
  • Paid media – effective paid strategies with a clear return on investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I grow my business with influencers?

You can grow your business by partnering with influencers. Influencers are people who have a large following on social media and are able to share their content with their followers.

How do you target micro-influencers?

The best way to target micro-influencers is through social media. You can also use influencer marketing platforms like BuzzSumo or FollowerWonk to find the most relevant influencers for your brand.

How do micro-influencers want to work with brands?

Micro-influencers want to work with brands that are authentic and transparent. They want to be able to trust the brand and feel like they are being heard. They want to be able to work with brands that are willing to listen and learn from them.

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