What better way to get leads than to let your customers craft their own magnets? Be sure to let them know that you’ll only print out the ones that contain their name and email, so it’s worth it to make sure they do a good job.

If you have a product or service, you want customers to buy it. But how can you get them to buy it? Are you offering a great product at a fair price? Have you built a great sales team? Are you a great web designer? Is your company’s name recognized in the market? No matter what your answer, you can improve your chances of selling more by leveraging one of the best sales magnets ever—and one you can create from scratch in less than an hour.

The new year is a time when most of us will be making plans to get out more and get more involved in the community. Whether you’re looking to get involved with your family or meet new people, you can use a little help from the internet to get you started. Join a new social network, post on the latest blog, or join a local meetup group and start making connections with others.

Getting traffic to your website is great, but it’s useless if those people don’t convert.

To generate new leads, I employ one strategy above all others:

A magnet made of lead.

They aren’t some fad in technology. For decades, they’ve been a necessary marketing tool.

You give consumers something for free in exchange for their email address and permission to send them more offers with lead magnets, such as a free ebook or an SEO checklist.

Not all lead magnets, however, are effective.

Let’s look at how lead magnets operate and how to make one that will generate leads.

How Lead Magnets Can Help Your Company Grow

According to Dan Ariely, author of Predictably Irrational, the allure of “free” is irresistible.

He demonstrated this by allowing groups of people to choose from a variety of Amazon gift cards. Respondents had the option of receiving one of the following:

  1. You can choose between a free $10 Amazon gift card or a $10 Amazon gift card.
  2. For about $7, you can get a $20 Amazon gift card.

If you looked at it objectively, based on cold hard math, you’d realize that the second option ($13 vs. $10) was the superior bargain.

To find out who won, look at the third column on the far right:

It didn’t even come close! Instead, everyone who took part in the trial chose the free $10 option.

The Zero-Price Effect is named after Ariely’s observation that humans cannot comprehend the disadvantages of something that is free.

Ariely conducted a similar experiment. People queued outside the store for free tattoos as part of a campaign.

These people were standing in line knowing exactly what they were doing.

However, when Ariely questioned if they would wait to get the same tattoo if it wasn’t free, 68 percent replied no!

To put it another way, people took time out of their busy schedules to tattoo their flesh with permanent ink just because it was free.

When done correctly, good lead magnets have the same effect (albeit without the same long-lasting effects).

They give visitors a useful booklet, webinar, or email course in exchange for relatively little (if anything).

To initiate the initial phase in your customer value optimization process, you use the power of free.

Lead magnets aren’t a novel concept.

Because of how convincing and strong they may be, they attract a lot of attention nowadays.

A content upgrade is one of the finest methods to incorporate them now. People are already on your site looking for information.

Consider this:

They went to Google and put in a specific phrase, which led them to your blog page.

A lead magnet sweetens the deal by giving them more information on the same subject they were reading about.

Brian Dean increased his conversions by 785 percent in one day using the content upgrading method.

Brian Harris of Video Fruit reports a 20-30% opt-in rate from blog postings in which he connects to his lead magnet not once, not twice, but three times.

The first, for example, appears directly at the start:

Then, down towards the bottom, he adds two more for good measure:

The blog post delves into the details of how content enhancements might help you generate more leads. Then it distills those observations and actionable advice so you can quickly begin using the same strategies on your own website (after downloading the lead magnet, of course).

If you want the same effects, your lead magnet must follow a few guidelines.

The form or medium doesn’t matter necessarily. Instead, success typically comes down to a few >key ingredients:

  1. Is it important to your audience?
  2. Is it worth anything?
  3. Is it able to address a problem and/or provide the audience with something they require?

So, how do you sort it all out?

To discover out, let’s look at what the best lead magnets have in common.

How to Make Conversion-Driven Lead Magnets

Let’s talk about how to make a lead magnet that converts like crazy now that you know why they’re crucial (to get you more leads!).

Find out what your customers are looking for.

It seems basic and cliched to say that you should “know your audience.” However, it’s one of those topics that everyone discusses but no one appears to be able to execute.

The big hint is near the front desk. If your digital copies aren’t flying off the shelves as soon as they go live, it’s usually due to a mismatch with your target demographic.

Thankfully, if you know where to look, this is a simple cure.


Begin by identifying what consumers are already willing to pay for.

Because lead magnets are free, this may seem counterintuitive.

If someone is prepared to spend their hard-earned money on something, it is a solid sign that they are serious about it.

The Kindle Marketplace, for example, is one of my favorite places to start.

Let’s pretend I’m ready to manufacture a lead magnet in a field I’m unfamiliar with: cooking. (There’s nothing.)

I could predict or make some educated guesses about which cooking lead magnet would be the most effective. Alternatively, I could go to the Kindle Marketplace and see what’s currently operating.

At this point, it’s not just the topic you’re looking for, but also the “format” that will appeal to an audience.

Here’s what I’m talking about.

Visit the Amazon Kindle Marketplace and look in the left-hand sidebar. There are subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories within subcategories (To put it another way, you’re digging down to locate your specialty and audience.)

Here are some examples of European cooking and cuisine bestsellers:

We’re getting there now.

The majority are, predictably, cookbooks. That first one, however, is very intriguing.

It’s a “cooking for two” book, which indicates that the folks who buy it are searching for simple, no-fuss dishes that serve two.


This reveals a lot about the target demographic and their preferences. Another hint is the Mediterranean one on the far right, which tends to be simple and nutritious.

So these people might be shopping for a new recipe book, but it doesn’t mean they want to make gourmet cuisine that takes hours to prepare.

Instead, these (supposedly) harried individuals desire something quick and healthful.

The next step is to put something together that is similar to these examples but is different, superior, or distinctive in some way.

Take, for example, a closer look at book reviews to see what they have to say.

To get things started, here’s a nice review:

Awesome! Two of our hypotheses have already been proven to be right.

This sample is popular since it includes dishes that are “easy to prepare.”

Foodies could be busy moms. Foodies, on the other hand, are unlikely to purchase this book.

That alters everything about how you create, bundle, design, and even advertise this ebook.

Positive ratings are helpful to begin with, but bad evaluations can often teach you more. Take a look at this:

First and foremost, this critic finds the book’s arrangement and table of contents to be lacking. They even provide the solution: “… arranging the dishes into categories or even offering an index.”

Excellent suggestions! These are the small elements that you or I would overlook if we weren’t already pros in the kitchen.

However, a little investigation has already yielded a few pearls of wisdom.

The reviewer then goes on to criticize some of the editing and attention to detail at the end.

Easy — let’s have a subject-matter expert assist in the editing of this work to ensure accuracy (which is crucial in cooking).

Use feedback from your audience to improve your lead magnet concept.

Let’s take it a step further and ask the audience which variations of our concept they prefer.

Write a basic blog post explaining what you’re thinking of creating and asking for suggestions or improvements, for example.

This accomplishes two goals at once:

  1. It aids in the gathering of input for use in the design of your lead magnet.
  2. It also assists you in ‘seeding’ the market so that when you launch the lead magnet, people are already predisposed to download it.

Getting comments from those who aren’t yet on your email list can help you figure out how to finally get them on. Here’s what I’m talking about.

Take, for example, this piece about how an Instagram user made over $300,000.

If you look closely at the comments part of the post, you’ll notice that a couple of readers have inquired about how the Instagram user came up with her lists.

Multiple others are now asking for the same information in the comments, indicating that there is a built-in need for it.

Although lead magnets are “free,” users must still give over their personal information. They aren’t going to do it for no reason.

As a result, you must generate material that will pique the audience’s interest.

Let’s take a look at Google Analytics to discover which pages (and themes) are the most popular:

Begin by categorizing all of your blog content.

If you specified categories in your URL string, your site may already have this done for you. Unbounce, for example, utilizes the category “PPC” in this blog post:

As a result, you can look for PPC-related URLs in your most popular content.

You’ve spent a long time gathering information on what your customers desire. At this point, your next job should be ridiculously simple: just give them what they want!

The Value of Being Specific

Imagine someone visiting your website and reading your well-written blog post about the latest European cooking trends when a pop-up emerges offering a printable “Be a Better Cook” guide.

Huh? Is that piece of generic printed paper going to make them a better cook? How?

Thank you, but no.

What if the “Ten Top-Rated Dinner Recipes from France and Italy” had a printable checklist?

Now assume you’re looking at the Digital Agency Day home page to see when the next date is so you don’t miss out on any of the valuable information.

You’re on the fence about attending the live event since you’re not sure if you’ll be able to attend.

Then, just as you’re about to leave, an exit overlay appears, urging you to sign up for the recordings when they’re ready:

That’s something you can get behind, right?

It’s specific and relevant, so it makes sense right away.

As a result, you’ll most likely hand out your email.

It’s no surprise that this example increased conversion rates by 19.03 percent.

People will not sign up for anything they do not believe will benefit them.

Take a look at Brennan Dunn’s 9-part course, for example:

It addresses a major source of frustration for freelancers (“charging what you’re worth”).

It’s really extensive and comprehensive (“9-lesson course”).

There’s social proof (“20,000 other freelancers”) to back up its worth.

Brennan could price whatever he wanted for this, and people would still buy it.

That’s how good it is.

Checklists or cheat sheets can be of instant value because they equip people with something they can utilize right away.

A multi-part course (like this one) or an in-depth ebook can provide long-term value that people will refer to for weeks (or months) to come.

You won’t merely churn out another cookie-cutter lead magnet if you avoid these three concerns.

Instead, you’ll build a marketing asset that sets the tone for a long and successful connection with a new customer.

Create a high-quality lead magnet design

Remember how I was complaining about the first cookbook just a few minutes ago? For that reviewer, the information and overall experience were harmed by the poor arrangement and presentation.

Consider what would happen if you offered your email address in exchange for a downloadable guide with low image quality and several mistakes. Isn’t that the case?


The idea is to persuade these users to move on from the freebie and buy anything. You can’t do it if you don’t pay attention to the details. You must also demonstrate your worth.

Check out this checklist from Video Fruit’s Bryan Harris.

Isn’t it quite snazzy? This isn’t just another tedious list riddled with errors.

Don’t have the necessary design expertise or personnel? Use Dribbble or Behance to find a designer.

Check out Beacon if you need a little additional support to improve your own work.

You may even hire someone to make it for you on Fiverr, or you can do something similar with a Google Doc.

Frequently Asked Questions about Lead Magnets

What is the definition of a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is a free offer that businesses provide in exchange for potential leads’ contact information. An ebook, a discount code, a free course, or a checklist are all examples.

What characteristics distinguish a good lead magnet?

Your target audience must find a fantastic lead magnet useful. Attempt to fix an issue or, in some manner, make their job or life simpler. A business coach, for example, would suggest “10 things to do before your next job interview.”

What is the price of a lead magnet?

They should be available to your leads for free. The costs of research, creation, and distribution should be covered by corporations. These specifications can vary significantly depending on the lead magnet and the resources available. If you have an in-house marketing team and a graphic designer, for example, the expenditures are negligible.

What types of lead magnets are the most effective?

The best lead magnet is one that your users value, which varies depending on the industry, business strategy, and target audience. Ebooks, white papers, webinars, checklists, work sheets, coupon coupons, and short courses are all common examples.


Lead magnets are one of the most effective ways to acquire information about your audience, generate leads, and even begin the nurturing process to make the final conversion (to income) easier.

You establish yourself as a thought-leader on that topic and create a new customer connection after they sign up for the useful, relevant, and high-quality freebie.

This means they’ll remember you if they require additional information. They’ll return for more. They’ll return to purchase.

The good news is that they’re also not difficult to make. Take the time to learn everything you can about what your clients want and don’t want.

Then all you have to do is provide them with exactly what they’ve requested.

What is your favorite example of a lead magnet?

  • Unlock large volumes of SEO traffic with SEO. Take a look at the outcomes.
  • Content Marketing – Our team develops incredible content that is shared, linked to, and drives traffic.
  • Paid Media – successful paid solutions with a measurable return on investment.

We’ve all seen the signs by the road: big bold, red letters that scream “COME IN AND TALK TO US!” or “BUY THESE THINGS NOW!” But what if your company could actually create signs that scream “COME IN AND TALK TO US!” or “BUY THESE THINGS NOW!” to potential customers? That’s what a company called Magnets.com is doing, and the results are pretty astounding.. Read more about lead magnet titles and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you make a lead magnet effective?

Lead magnets are effective when they provide a benefit to the user. For example, if youre selling a product like an ebook or an online course, then your lead magnet should be something that will help the customer get what they want from you.

How do I make a lead magnet checklist?

You can make a lead magnet checklist by creating a list of your top 10 most popular items on your website.

How do I get people to download my lead magnet?

The best way to get people to download your lead magnet is by promoting it on social media. You can also email your list of leads, but thats not as effective as social media.

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