Google has launched a new feature to help users find new job opportunities faster. If you’re looking for a new job in the United States, it could take a week or more to find the perfect job. Google has launched a new feature in Google job search that will help you find new job opportunities faster. When Google expanded its job search feature with the Structured Data Markup Language, it also included new components to help job seekers find the best opportunities. This includes information about companies, such as which job roles they’re hiring for, pay rates, and the skills they typically look for.

Google has made a lot of changes to its job listing service in the past year, and now it’s moved another step forward by adding structured data to its search results. Structured data allows job listings to display important information such as job duties, responsibilities, skills, and salary.

Google is introducing a new structured data markup feature for job postings that will allow job seekers to apply directly to the employer’s website.

Google is also introducing a new editorial content policy to help users understand the content of a job posting and easily apply to it, directly or through other means.

First, let’s look at a new property of structured data.

New directApply format for jobs

The new Apply directly feature allows employers to indicate whether their website offers an option for potential employees to apply for a job.

According to Google, this markup is suitable for employment ads that capitalize on a specific set of actions the user must take to apply for a job. The user should be offered a short and simple application procedure.

Employers provide direct application experience, as defined by Google, when one of these conditions is met:


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  • The user completes the request process on your website.
  • Once on your Google page, the user does not have to click Apply and enter their information multiple times to complete the application process.

In other words: If a job posting requires applicants to upload a resume and then fill out the same information in the application form, it is not covered by this tagging.

Site owners can start using this markup now, although there may not be an immediate effect in search results as Google works to integrate this information into its index.


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New directive on the content of offers of employment

Google’s new rules for editorial content include guidelines for distracting text and images, excessive and distracting ads, or content that doesn’t add value to a job posting.

Google requires that job ads also follow basic grammar rules, such as. B. Correct capitalization.

Based on the results of the study, Google provides the following tips for employers to build job seekers’ trust and potentially attract more candidates:

  • No fraud: Make sure none of the jobs are scams or spam. Ads should represent real job opportunities.
  • Improve the user experience: Websites with a poor user experience ask the user for information when it is not needed, have poor quality pages or complicated request processes.
  • Delete expired jobs: Do not leave a position vacant if no more new applications are accepted.
  • Factual data : Do not hide old assignments as new assignments or update the DatePosted property if the assignment has not changed.
  • No false or misleading information: These include the wrong salary, the wrong place, the wrong working hours, the wrong type of work or other work-related details.

Google’s new policy on editorial content for job ads goes into effect on January 1. October 2023.

Source: Google Search Engine Blog

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