The idea of creating a group to solve an issue, problem or challenge is nothing new. For some of you, this concept is old hat. But others aren’t as familiar with the idea. When you think of groups, you may immediately think of the best friend you’ve ever had or the people you work with. But you may not have considered that a group can be used for other purposes, such as an online community.

If you don’t know about Facebook groups, you’re really missing out. A Facebook group is a way to have a discussion around a topic, where people who have an interest in the topic join the same group. Think of it like a LinkedIn group, except Facebook groups can be open to anyone who wants to join.

In the updated version of Facebook groups, administrators can now have knowledgeable members act as experts.

If the person is qualified as an expert, he stands out from the other participants in the group discussion.

This makes it easy to recognize them as people who know a lot about the group’s topic and are used to sharing their knowledge with others.

There are more than 70 million administrators and moderators who manage active groups on Facebook. Many of these groups are made up of experts in the field who are happy to share their knowledge, from fitness instructors to highly skilled craftsmen.

It is now easier than ever to help experts stand out in groups and suggest ways to communicate with their communities.


More information below

Here you can find out more about how to designate a team member as an expert and what they can do once they take on that role.

What is a Facebook panel?

Facebook group administrators can now empower other members with the new Group Expert role.

After accepting this role, group experts are given an icon next to their name, making it easier for group members to recognize their comments and contributions.

Here is an example of what the badge looks like when the group expert posts:

Administrators who run groups about fitness and games can search for relevant people on these topics and send them invitations to join the group.


More information below

It is not yet known if this feature will be extended to other items. It probably depends on the feedback from this first test.

Source: Facebook News

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