BrickSeek is a simple yet powerful tool that helps e-commerce businesses grow their online sales. BrickSeek is a marketplace for listing your products, ideas, and services, and engaging with key influencers. BrickSeek helps you get your product in front of more people than you would normally reach.

E-commerce companies rely on many methods to increase sales, such as social media, pay-per-click advertising, and more. While these methods are effective, they can also be expensive. BrickSeek is a tool that helps e-commerce companies to work smarter and save money. If you are a brick and mortar retailer, BrickSeek is a great way to partner with brick and mortar stores to reach people in your area.

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If you’ve heard of BrickSeek, you probably know that it’s a powerful tool for consumers to track inventory and find the best deals at leading retailers.

But if you look beneath the surface, you’ll see that BrickSeek is much more than that. It’s not a simple customer experience app, but it has a lot to offer e-commerce companies.

In this guide, I’ll explain how e-commerce businesses can start using BrickSeek right away to increase sales and revenue.

What is BrickSeek?

I’ve written before about BrickSeek’s features and how consumers can use it to find hidden inventory sales. See my previous article for a more detailed explanation of the application.

But to give a brief overview, BrickSeek began in 2014 as a web app that allows LEGO collectors to track down popular sets online and in stores.

The company then expanded by using the same technology to help users find inventory, sales and discounts at some of the country’s largest retailers, including:

  • Amazon
  • Best buy
  • Lowe’s.
  • Macy’s
  • Office Depot
  • Destination
  • Walmart

Why should e-commerce companies use BrickSeek?

The same thing that makes BrickSeek such a useful tool for consumers makes it a potentially invaluable resource for online retailers. Think about it. Wouldn’t you like to know

  • How much of a particular product do your main competitors stock?
  • How much do other brands charge for a particular product?
  • Which products are discounted and where?
  • Which products are most interesting to customers?

You can find all this information and more on the BrickSeek website. In other words, it can be an important source of information about competitors if you know how to use it properly. It’s almost like having your own network of spies in your competitors’ camps. Who wouldn’t want to?

How eCommerce businesses can use BrickSeek to increase revenue and sales

If you have an e-commerce store, here are some ways to use BrickSeek in your store:

1. Use BrickSeek to determine your prices

Do you sell the same products as your competitors? It is therefore essential that you set your prices correctly. Indeed, 91% of consumers say that the price of a product influences their online purchasing decisions, ahead of factors such as free shipping (78%), brand preference (65%) and recommendations from friends and family (60%).

If you price it too low, you won’t be able to make enough margin, which means less profit for you. If you set it too high, you won’t be able to generate enough sales. If you use them correctly, you can increase your sales and revenue.

That’s where BrickSeek comes to the rescue.

First, find the stock keeping unit (SKU) or universal product code (UPC). You can find them on the respective dealer’s website or using the SKU finder integrated into BrickSeek:


Then search by SKU using the zip code for the region you cover and get all the pricing information for the item you selected. Now you know how much you can afford.

2. Use BrickSeek to buy cheap materials

If you sell to consumers, that doesn’t mean you’re exclusively in the B2C business. After all, your goods have to come from somewhere. If you make your own products, you will also need a source of materials.

In these cases, as a consumer, you can easily access BrickSeek by using the app to find standard wholesale prices for the products and materials you need.

3. Saves time checking dealer inventory

It takes time to find the best prices for items for sale. BrickSeek can help you do this faster by allowing you to quickly check inventory from many different retailers.

Simply enter the SKU or UPC in the same steps described above, enter the appropriate zip code, and then click Check Inventory to immediately see the inventory and pricing information for that specific item at that seller:

4. More information about Hot-Seller

The success of an e-commerce business depends mainly on whether it knows how to sell the right products. BrickSeek can help you with that. By viewing the inventory of sellers supported by the platform, you can see trends in items that are selling quickly. This is an indicator of which products you should consider selling.


The secret to success and longevity in the e-commerce industry lies in understanding market trends. That’s where BrickSeek’s feature of finding the best products comes to the rescue. By looking at the products your customers often search for, you can anticipate trends in your niche. Tracking market trends helps you make data-driven decisions to stay ahead of the competition.

Questions and answers about BrickSeek

Is legitimate?

Yes, BrickSeek is a reputable tool for finding pricing and inventory information, as evidenced by its A rating from the Better Business Bureau.

How does BrickSeek work exactly?

While BrickSeek is certainly legitimate, it is not always 100% accurate like any other third-party tool. The site freely admits that retailers are not responsible for inventory or price differences between BrickSeek and reality.

How often is BrickSeek updated?

All inventory information provided by the BrickSeek inventory control system is captured in real time when you perform a search.

Is there an application for BrickSeek?

At the time of writing, the BrickSeek app is still in beta testing and is only available to Premium and Extreme members. In other words, you can’t currently access it without a paid BrickSeek account. If you are a paid subscriber, you can request access to the Android or iOS apps here.

BrickSeek for e-commerce companies Conclusion

In less than a decade, BrickSeek has grown from a simple niche tool for finding obscure LEGO kits to a potentially huge app that offers tremendous value to consumers and retailers. What a transformation!

If you use BrickSeek wisely, you can gain unique insights into your key competitors, which in turn will help you :

  • Competitive price
  • opting for favourable prices for raw materials and products
  • Understand when other retailers have trouble accessing inventory in key product lines.
  • Determine if a new product is of interest based on consumer interest.
  • Follow the trends in your market

More importantly, BrickSeek is still relatively underutilized by e-commerce companies. If you learn to use it for your brand, you can beat the competition.

What do you think are the main reasons traders use BrickSee?

  • SEO – Unlocks a large amount of SEO traffic. To see real results.
  • Content marketing – our team creates epic content that gets shared, attracting links and traffic.
  • Paid media – effective paid strategies with a clear return on investment.


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